“Child rights” is important because childhood is the base of adulthood


  • Saumya Poddar

Dehradun, 28 March, 2021:: To live a convenient life, rights are as important as fresh air to a healthy body. It becomes crucial when it comes to the ”child right” because childhood is the base of adulthood. A child implies every human being below the age of 18 years and 39 % of the total indian population comprises children, which is a big number.

The age below 18 years is an exposed period of life when one doesn’t possess evolved state of mind to decide his good or bad,  so they become dependent on another person’s decision and get swayed by their ideas for their actions in the society.

If these children belong to poor family background, their life becomes much challenging, their interests never been given priority and being violated every day.
When they are entitled to name legally, they have been left nameless/ homeless.  We can often see these kids picking rags, washing dishes, polishing shoes, selling toys on the footpath and the most painful begging too.  just for livelihood. In this intricate situation, it is problematic to expect them to know their rights.

Millions of children globally are being denied their rights and dignity, they are being forced to work in hazardous conditions in factories and mines which affects their mental and physical well-being. They are being refused the opportunity to go to school, and playing with their friends, eating a proper diet. which is essential for their health and development.

Under article 21(A) of the Indian constitution, these kids are entitled to free and compulsory education till the age of 6 to 14 years. Under the new education policy, it has been decided to increase this age.

They have the right against exploitation under article 23 and 24, the right to Survival, the right to nutrition, Save environment and protection against violence.

Our government should appropriate measures to protect the life of these innocent kids. They can save their rights by taking different legislative, administrative and educational measures which can improve their litheirnment should also help them in building their personality by organising different activities where they can explore themselves by participating.

Organizing different programs for making them aware of their rights can also do greaworktheir mental and social development. They will learn to express their views freely, To stand for their rights and to raise a voice against the wrong happening to them.

With the help of these activities, they can develop their confidence level, They will learn the importance of education that how it can make drastic changes to their lives.

The government should provide them with the highest attainable standards of medical care because it also comes under their rights.

There is the need to focus a bit more on the rights of the girl child in India because they are in the most vulnerable condition. They face discrimination and exploitation at every stage of life. They are being treated as a burden on the family and get married very early.
The conservative thinking of their family and society where they live, force them to live in their homes and to do the household chores.
These girls not even been taken care of hygiene, which can be fatal for their health and life too.

The authority should work towards the action that is in the best interest of children that will help in becoming a developed personality and to live a life of their own choice.

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