Caste Discrimination has come to light against a Scheduled Caste employee at the Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law Punjab


  • Dr. Jatinder Singh Mattoo

Punjab, 9 April, 2021:: A case of caste discrimination has come to light against a Scheduled Caste employee at the Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law Punjab (Patiala), which has trained prominent lawyers, judges and other officials to bring justice by studying law. Gurjant Singh, a library assistant who has been a victim of caste discrimination for many years, and his family have been going through a lot of mental distress. During the hearing of the aggrieved employee, he was made to stand in front of the junior staff for several hours and was made to feel the racial pain which is a direct legal offense. The aggrieved employee was forced to work below the level of duty so that he would realize that he belongs to a small caste. We have demanded justice from the Hon’ble Vice Chancellor. Show a little courage and take this voice to the Chief Justice of India so that he knows that Dalits are being treated like this in his institution. Jai Bhim, Jai Bharat, Jai Constitution

( Dr. Jatinder Singh Mattoo is President of Dr. Ambedkar Employees Federation, Punjab & writer is independent to express their own views)

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