International Yoga Day at IIT Patna


Patna, 22 June 2023: International Yoga Day was organized in collaboration with the Indian Institute of Technology Patna, Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat, and NSS IIT Patna. The objective of this program was to spread the importance of Yoga in achieving physical and mental health. This program was organized in light of the order issued by the Ministry of AYUSH. The program began with Dr. Abhishek Raj, Professor in charge of Wellness, welcoming all the incoming guests, followed by an inspirational speech by Hon’ble Director IIT Patna, Prof. T.N. In which the importance of yoga to maintain a balanced lifestyle was underlined. Certified Yoga Instructor Mr. Ujjwal Kumar enriched the occasion and guided the participants through various asanas and breathing exercises. The program also included award ceremonies for two competitions organized as part of the International Day of Yoga. Winners of the Essay Writing Competition on Yoga and its Importance in Life and Best Photograph of Yoga Asanas were announced and awarded Certificates and Prizes. First Prize in Essay Writing Competition was given to Mr. Shiva Singh and the Best Photograph of Yoga Asanas Competition was secured by Professor Om Prakash, Department of Mathematics, IIT Patna. The program ended with a vote of thanks by the respected Dean, expressing his gratitude for the presence and support of Professor T N Singh. Then thanked the organizers of this program as well. The event encouraged the understanding and practice of Yoga among individuals of all ages to promote a culture of wellness in the IIT Patna community. The objective of the event was to publicize the importance of Yoga in achieving physical and mental health.

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