Men and women both have been integral parts of my life and I will never differentiate between the two genders: Ayush Dwivedi

By Kumari Swati Today is International Girl’s child day. The whole world is celebrating this day  and embracing the creation that almighty has gifted us  . Hind chakra presents an interesting series of interveiws , of young girls and boys of different cities of India and what is their take on changing dynamics of gender […]

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Educated people also get trapped in cyber terrorism : Vivek Agarwal

By Kumari Swati The Facebook live chat of famous crime reporter Vivek Agarwal with the students of Makhanlal chaturvedi National university of journalism and communication  was an interactive and a great session which gave  them deep insights on the topic Global terrorism and media. Vivek Agarwal discussed regarding each topic in detail and mentioned  various […]

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