THE PSYCHOPATHE AMONG US by Rekha Singh, Psychologist


At one time, people thought there were few psychopaths among us, but now that estimate has to be revised upward. Moreover society is beginning to recognizing that psychopaths, more than people with any other mental disorder, threaten the safety, security, and serenity of our world. The history of human kind is replete with the incredible, destruction inflicted by nation upon one another. What is less readily visible is the harm done to individuals, to families, and to society by antisocial behavior. And it is important,
finally to understand that the antisocial tendencies that emerge in psychopath are
harbored by every human being.

The combination of minimal brain dysfunction attention deficit /hyperactivity disorder, and conduct disorder, which contributes to antisocial personality disorder, is more common in boys than in girl. Another part of the difference can be traced to socialization and acculturation norms. Girls are taught to control overt expression of anger, more so then boys. Onset of antisocial symptoms typically occurs for boys at age 7; though for girls the symptoms show up at around age 13. Other studies show that antisocial boys are more likely to come from families in which their interaction with other deprived, aggressive boys fosters the development of antisocial behavior when the families shows a predominance of girls , such antisocial behavior in the boys id inhibited . Antisocial girls come from families that tend to be more troubled than those of antisocial boys, but both male and female siblings from extremely troubled families are at great risk for developing antisocial personality disorder. The cause of antisocial personality disorder cannot be ascribed to social class, cultural conflict, membership in a deviant subgroup (such as gang), keeping bad company, residing in a high crime neighborhood or even brain damage. Important factors in the development of the
disorder are maternal deprivation during the child’s first 5 years, which leads to insufficient nurturing and socialization, and having an antisocial or alcoholic farther, even if he is not in residence. Other studies however, show that adequate discipline can decrease the risk in children whose parents are antisocial.

More moderate correlation between adult antisocial behavior and certain other childhood factors have been found. These factors include early-onset conduct disorder (before age10 years) with or without accompanying hyperactivity, attention- deficit\hyperactivity disorder, and mild sign of neurologic deficit.
Emerging evidence indicates that the brain of psychopaths do not process feelings and emotions properly. Neurons imaging studies show the psychopaths use different areas of their brain in regulating emotion than do normally functioning individuals. The most plausible model for caution involves many factors, with a combination f genetic, development, and environment factors all interacting to produce and antisocial personality.
In psychology there’s a lot of kind of people with subclinical psychological disorder are like this. Not bad enough to go to prison, but plenty bad enough to make your life awful.
Finally, the first rules involves the bitter pill of accepting that some people literally have no conscience. Do not try to redeem the unredeemable.

By Rekha Singh, Psychologist

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