By Kumari Swati.
Today is International Girl’s child day. The whole world is celebrating this day and embracing the creation that almighty has gifted us . Hind chakra presents an interesting series of interveiws , of young girls and boys of different cities of India and what is their take on changing dynamics of gender in our country.
The first person to be the part of the series , is ‘ Manya srivastava’ , a young ,bright girl from Mathura. Manya is born and brought up in Mathura , utter pradesh. Currently she is pursuing her Masters in Mass communication from Makhanalal chaturvedi National university of Journalism and communication, Bhopal. She did her graduation in Bachelor’s of science ,but she was passionate to follow her dreams , and thus she changed her stream and opted for Mass communication to experiment something new and interesting in her career. we bring you an excerpt of her interveiw where she confidently and spontaneously shared her views on International Girls child day .

1.What is your take on celebration of international girls child day ?
We usually celebrate such days to spread awareness or sometimes to appreciate something like valentines day, mother’s Day, engineers day, doctors day and many other days.
But, In this case I think we celebrate Girl child day to spread the awareness about girl child and to enhance the quality of life of a girl in our society. so according to me by looking at the present scenario we should celebrate this day in the best way possible.
2.Being a girl what you think now days girls have to face in our society?
I cannot make a list of what problems girls are facing these days
Because I really feel nothing has changed. There are girls who are still facing that ghoonghat pratha and other traditional stereotypes .
some are pretty educated so they can voice opinion but they are also facing gender inequality at their work place and molestation in one way or the other.
So I can not count problems that girls are facing in this society, it’s just a matter of intersectionality so before making any list we have to think twice.
But a new problem has definitely arrived with the arrival of social media. Nowadays girl’s are getting rape threats on their social media accounts on daily basis and this problem is very scary.
- Have you ever faced any inequality being a girl ?
I can not tell you how many times I have faced inequality because I have never realised that. Actually I really feel unknowingly we all have been taught to avoid inequality until it croses the limit.
We all have faced inequality many a times in the name of protection, adjustment and various other factors which has been conditioned to us by our society and the same thing has happened with me too so I can not describe the moments when I had faced inequality.
But I can assure you we all have faced inequality in different ways and in weird things which don’t even have a reasonable logic . we also remember those moments as adjustment, responsibility or protection.
4.What should be the responsibility of a girl in order to make her mark in society?
First of all I wish we should not differentiate girls and boys in this matter but the sad truth is we have to because there are different standards for every gender.
Every gender’s responsibility should be to promote humanity.
The girl should understand her values and responsibilities towards society and the very important thing if someone really wants to make their mark in society then they need to have the willingness and courage to support the weaker sections of our society.

- What role government can play in order to give equal opportunities to girl?
Government can play very vital role, they should promote the equal opportunities to girls, they should not play women politics.
Government should promote education first, they should make sure that girl’s are getting education. They should understand the seriousness of this issue, providing education isn’t as simple as launching a new quote on girl’s Education. They need to be serious on this matter and take effective actions in this regard. - How do you feel to be born as a girl?
It’s great literally great, I won’t say that girls are best species, but I would definitely say that I love Girls, I Love this girly struggle and if I really take next birth as human then I would love to be a girl. I embrace my soul being in the Girl’s body . I love my long hairs, I love dressing up and I enjoy being a girl. I genuinely feel proud and fortunate to live my life as a girl.
7..Do you think girls have to change , depending on the prevailing factors like molestation, violence, eveteasing?
I think when it comes to change, we all need to learn how to adapt ourselves with the recurring changes. I want girls to be more independent. They should educate themselves and should stand on their own feet. When girls are financially independent ,they don’t need any assistance from another person .And if they are not comfortable sharing their life with other , they can independently take their decision and can move out from any relationship and can lead independent life on their terms. Otherwise we often witness that how females have to face violence in different ways just because they are financially dependent on others.