International Conference on, “Emerging Entrepreneurial Trends in Arbitration, Mediation & ADR” by SK A & G Hyderabad


Hyderabad: 23 August 2022 :: Hyderabad based management consulting firm SK Associates & Group organised an International Conference on, “Emerging Entrepreneurial Trends in Arbitration, Mediation and ADR” that took place from August 15- August 17 through online mode.
The Top 16 eminent and noteworthy Entrepreneurs, Practitioners, Professors from the domain of ADR has spoken over the important topic.

The expert overview over the topic is as follows: Veerash Srikison, Founder & Director, Fair Practise ( South Africa) said: “Mediation is a dispute resolution forum comes with the benefits of a quick, cheaper, private and confidential process that is client centric. Businesses & private sector are more inclined to choose the option that gives them result sooner.

Rafael Lobo, Director General, Alenia Centro de Mediacion (Mexico) said: In order to practice mediation in front of tribunals, one needs to be recognised and certified by the tribunals. The style that the parties in the case needs, using the tools and methodology required to provide a service designed for them.

Natalia Omori de Almeida, Vice President, APAMEC said: The characteristics of mediation are compositive method, flexible, willfulness, protagonism of the parties, personal attendance of the parties, confidentiality, economy of time, money and energy. Mediation is the best method of conflict resolution which helps in peacekeeping.

Kevin Scudder, Founder, Seattle Collaborative Law Centre LLC (US) said: “The conventional litigation methods for dispute settlement are not appropriate for commercial disputes. Thus, there arose the necessity for ADR mechanism which is being provided by multiple startups today.

Dr Teressa Parnell, Certified Mediator, Supreme Court of Florida said: “If you are a lawyer don’t just hang with the lawyers. One needs to be interdisciplinary as we think about Mediation and Arbitration differently.

Adv Pusshp Gupta, Mediator, Supreme Court of India said; “For mediation, its important that two people are able to communicate well with each other for generating a work or business for their organization or business house. Mediation tells you to respect other person’s perspective.

Adv HK Chaturvedi, Senior Advocate, Supreme Court of India said: “In Mediation there is a win-win situation for both the parties rather, in Arbitration, there is no win-win situation, one party loses while another party wins.

Dr Amna Mirza, Assistant Professor, University of Delhi said: “Globalization has always been an important phenomena for guiding the human civilization. Globalization 4.0 is the best suited mechanism & simplistic approach to economic growth and development.

Begaim Mukhitovna, Founder & CEO, Business Soft (Kyrgyzstan) said: “It is necessary to actively strengthen the connection between the largest Arbitration Institutes. All of us can together find adequate mechanism for promoting sustainable economic growth.

Oksana Shulga, International Mediator (Russia) said: “There is a dire need for prompt action of the courts to participate and put in their efforts for effective implementation of Arbitration.

Girija Krishan Varma, International Arbitrator & Mediator (USA) said: “Mediation has a special role especially since Singapore Convention was signed up. It has a strong bearing as signatories also provides help in enforcement of mediated settlements.

Luis Fernando Guerrero, Professor of Law, IBMEC University (Brazil) said: “Online Dispute Resolution has started to take place a lot due to the pandemic. Also, there is a personal dispute resolution taking place if there is problem with delivery of goods.

Dr Agne Tvaronaviciene, Professor of Law, Mykolas Romeris University
(Lithuania) said: “Sustainable, flexible, quick & relatively inexpensive Mediation is an attractive alternative to litigation & is oriented towards not only dispute resolution but seeks to restore relationship between the parties.

Dr. Rakesh K. Singh, Associate Dean & HOD, Neotia University said: “Since ages human conflicts are inevitable, disputes are inevitable. It is difficult to imagine human society without conflict of interests. That’s why ADR start-ups are necessary in today’s era.

Deniz Kite Guner, Founder & MD, GMN Institute (Turkey) said: “If you want to specialise in one thing as a Mediator then you really have to stay updated on what are the conflicts happening in that specific sector.

Adv Krusch Antony, Social Psychologist & Mediator, Kochi Bar Association said: “Experts, Technicians, Lawyers & Ex-specialists often care for paid commercial projects. The work to mediate or counsel the farmers and debtors is like a probono activity and helps in developing and growing the nation’s farming and investment industry.

P Shravan Kumar founder and CEO of SK A&G, said this management consulting firm is an ISO certified & registered under MSMED Act 2006 with the Govt. of India.
Firm has a strong team of 6,000+ Professionals from various backgrounds such as Chartered Accountants, Company Secretaries, Advocates, Professors, Mediators, Former Bureaucrats and Entrepreneurs turned Consultants. We aim to strengthen the global economic growth by providing pro- bono consulting services to budding student entrepreneurs and help them build their startups across various industries.

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