Nation webinar on decolonising & intergrating knowledge of India in Education


Organized by Department of Education, Patna Women’s College, Autonomous, Patna University, Patna, Bihar In Collaboration with Loreto College, Kollkata.

On 28th May , second day of National webinar, the second Plenary session was moderated by Dr. Madhumita . Professor Rajnish Kumar Mishra , from School of Sanskrit and Indic Studies, JNU was the key note speaker. Professor Khagendra Kumar, Dean of Faculty of Education, Patna University was the Chairpered the session. In the technical session III, Prof. Ameeta Jaiswal (Head, Dept. of Philosophy, PWC) was the Chair Person, and in the Valedictory Session prof. Kameshwar Jha (Vice Chairman, Higher Education Council Bihar ) and Dr. Sadan Jha (Associat Professor, Center for Social Studies, Surat) Was the Guest Of Honour.

The session started by prayer conducted by Swati Shilpi. The chairperson spoke on Economic exploitation of British East India Company by the policies adopted by them which hampered the Education system and economy of India.
The keynote speaker prof Rajnish Kumar Mishra highlighted the problems of colonized education. He said that the colonized mindset goes through a process of doubt, of the cultural heritage and leading to dementia which created vacuum and this vacuum was filled up with uprooting and implanted a foreign syllabi.
He then mentioned Macaulay’s Minutes where he focused on three ES, English, Educate Employ, which ultimately brought colonization of the mind. He emphasized the impact of mental subjugation towards the West. He spoke about the contribution of Ancient Greeks in literature and highlighted the theory that European being home of Aryan is hoax. He focused on Europe’s first Renaissance reason being the contribution of Ancient Greeks and the revival of the Second Renaissance by Sanskrit. Quoted a book named “INTRODUCTION TO HINDU DOCTRINE” by Rene Guenon that “I am surprised to know how Indians are buying western education without knowing about ancient Indian education.
He gave an example of great Sanskrit scholars like Abhinav Gupta where he talked about knowledge being the only cause of liberation. He used Sanskrit terms like Agam, Lop, Vikar and mentioned Bhartiya Gyan parampara means always in continuous. Lastly he quoted Elliot where he says after reading about some eminent sanskrit scholars he felt like European scholars were like school going boys. The speech was summarised by Prof Khagendra Kumar. The technical sessions was chaired by Prof. Ameeta Jaiaswal, Dean faculty of humanities and social sciences, Patna Women’s College. There were 15 paper presenters we shared their insightful thoughts through their research papers.The valedictory session was attended by Prof. Kameshwar Jha, Vice Chairman, State Higher Education council as the Chief Guest, and Assistant Professor, Dr. Sadan Jha, from Center for Social Studies Surat as the Guest of Honour. The guests gave a note of caution as to what can be integrated into the indigenous education system. It was highlighted that instead of romanticizing the ancient parampara, it is important that we make an education system taking the common good things from non western systems. The Head and Dean of the department Dr. Sister M. Saroj A.C. was thankful to all the guests for their insightful session on decolonising India. To conclude the session Dr. Rashmi Sinha (Assistant Professor) and proposed the vote of thanks by Yamini (assistant Professor & Cultural Coordinater ).

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