Support from honest people will bring back the great glory of Bihar: IPS Vikash Vaibhav


Patna: 31 May 2023 :: On January 12, 2021, the birthday of Swami Vivekananda, IPS Vikas Vaibhav got the idea of ​​keeping the youth in one direction. There was a feeling of motivating the youth for nation building. And, the result was pleasant, on 22 March 2021 the foundation of Let’s Inspire Bihar campaign was laid. Since then, selflessly honest people, free from pettiness of Bihar, have started joining this huge platform.Not only humans, animals and birds also seek the shade of banyan tree. However, IPS Vikas Vaibhav, with his hard work and honesty, has prepared the shadow of the huge banyan-shaped Let’s Inspire Bihar campaign for all the people of Bihar to awaken human sensibilities. In the beginning, it took one year to understand and explain the mission and purpose of this campaign to the learned people. Initially people expressed non-cooperation and inability to spread this social message. But, due to the hard efforts of some dedicated and persistent people, national consciousness started awakening among the youth.The support of the intellectuals of Bihar started pouring in fast. As a result, litterateurs and journalists who live for the nation, supported the honest effort of IPS Vikas Vaibhav in a tremendous way. In the present times, people have started feeling that the glory of the golden past of Bihar must be restored. It is about our Bihar, so honest people have given their full support to this social message. At present, youth constitute 67.2 percent of the total population of Bihar. IPS Vikas Vaibhav has forgotten his vacation time for the right guidance of this population. Gave this message to the people of Bihar that we can make our Bihar beautiful only on the strength of education, equality and entrepreneurship.As a result, many sincere teachers have come forward to donate education to the slum children by taking out time from their busy lives. This sincere effort is being made by the sisters associated with Gargi Chapter. Gargi Pathshala was started on 30 April 2022.And, currently around 1000 slum children are being provided free education under Gargi Pathshala at 7 locations in Patna, one in Muzaffarpur and one in Khagaria. Similarly, so far free medical camps have been organized at 90 places by the doctors associated with Jeevak Chapter.The talent hunt competition will be organized on 11th June. And on this day, participants from all over Bihar will get a chance to display their art. It has been planned to honor and reward the first, second and third place participants. With the experience and labor of people associated with different fields, the Let’s Inspire Bihar campaign has reached the country and abroad.In providing such a huge form, undoubtedly, along with the glory of IPS Vikas Vaibhav, all the honest people of Let’s Inspire Bihar campaign also have a meaningful contribution. With the cooperation of gentlemen and intellectuals, Let’s Inspire Bihar campaign has been successful in carrying out many important tasks on the ground with complete devotion. Let’s inspire Bihar together. And, make a sincere contribution in strengthening the resolve of IPS Vikas Vaibhav.
On 3rd July 2023 IPS Vikash Vaibhav will talk to the Youth of Nation at Parul University, Vadodara, Gujarat & Jyoti Jha written Drama Aanadi will be play on stage at same day.

(Writer Rahul Kumar Singh is Chief Coordinator of Let’s Inspire Bihar)

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