SK Associates & Group organized International Conference on “Emerging Trends in Commercial Laws for Startups


Hyderabad: 19 June 2023 :: SK Associates & Group organized an International Conference on “Emerging Trends in Commercial Laws for Startups: from June 15th – 17th. The Conference was hosted online & streamed LIVE on their YouTube channel from 7- 8:30 PM IST on all 3 days. The Top 16 eminent and noteworthy Corporate Attorneys, Senior Advocates, Compliance Managers, and Legal Experts from APAC & EMEA were invited to speak at the event.

SK A&G is an ISO -certified management consulting firm registered under MSMED Act 2006 with the Government of India. We are a strong team of 6,000+ Professionals from various backgrounds such as Chartered Accountants, Company Secretaries, Advocates, Professors, Mediators, Arbitrators, Formal Bureaucrats & Judges & Entrepreneurs turned Consultants. We aim to strengthen global economic growth by providing pro- bono consulting services to budding student entrepreneurs and helping them build their startups across various industries. All the Guest Speakers were awarded a Certificate of Honour and the Attendees were given Participation Certificates.

The Synopsis of the speeches given by the Guests is stated as follows:

“The arbitration Clause in investment agreements protects startups from one-sided terms, enabling efficient dispute resolution and safeguarding their interests in the Indian startup market. Secure funding, and protect interests. Emphasize arbitration clauses for fair resolution of disputes. Choose the right arbitration seat for impartiality and efficiency.

Adv. Hiroo Advani
Indian Arbitration Forum (India)

Creating a conducive environment for startups is vital to drive innovation and economic growth. This involves implementing supportive regulations, facilitating streamlined procedures, and addressing key challenges. By empowering startups, we can foster an entrepreneurial ecosystem that fuels our nation’s progress and prosperity.

Nawaf Alofeis
Litigation Manager
(CNHI) (Saudi Arabia)

“Startup India transformed India’s startup scene, fueling innovation and entrepreneurship. With rising investments, unicorns, and a supportive ecosystem, India is now a top startup hub.

Adv. Ashima Gulati
Co- Founder
Policy Lite (India

“Embrace the power of innovation and technology in the legal field, it holds the key to unlocking new possibilities, overcoming challenges, and shaping a future where collaboration and digital transformation drive exceptional outcomes.

Barbara Teruel
Legal Counsel
Mondelez International (Brazil)

“Including arbitration clauses in startup contracts offers faster resolution, confidentiality, and access to industry experts, and allows focus on core business, protecting and empowering startups’ growth.

Dr. Jean Dal Bianco
IBRAMAC Universidade (Brazil)

“It is very important to understand funding sources, regulations, and government initiatives. It reaffirmed that equipping aspiring entrepreneurs with this knowledge empowers them to navigate complexities and drive innovation for a prosperous future.

Mrs. Poornima Mishra
Visiting Faculty
IIM Sambalpur (India)

Addressing governance structures, ESG principles, data protection, global economic factors, and intellectual property protection empowers startups to achieve sustainable growth and long-term success. Proactive attention to these legal considerations enables startups to navigate complexities, establishing a solid foundation for their ventures.

Asmahaney Saad
Managing Partner
KTA Advocates (Uganda)

Stay ahead of emerging trends in commercial laws for startups. Adapt to evolving regulations for sustainable growth.

Alina Sergeevna Erashchenko
International Mediator
Vladivostok (Russia)

Stay informed about evolving commercial laws for startups. Navigate legal complexities with confidence.

Bhumesh Verma
Managing Partner
Corp Comm Legal (India)

Startups drive innovation and economic growth. A supportive business environment, regulations, tax benefits, IP protection, labor law compliance, and addressing challenges are vital for startup success.

Adv. Rama Shankar Tiwari
High Court of UP
Lucknow Bench (India)

“Arbitration empowers startups with efficient dispute resolution, fostering growth and success in the business landscape.

Elijah Putilin
Adjunct Professor
Tashkent State University of Law

“AI, data regulations, and automation reshape commercial law. ODR and blockchain transform dispute resolution. Standardizing blockchain empowers startups for a secure, innovative future in the legal field.

Ijeoma Ononogbu
International Solicitor
Taylor Rose MW (UK)

“Inadequate insolvency laws hinder SME survival. Reorganization offers hope for distressed businesses. Flexible procedures, integrated debt treatment, and simplified formalities can promote SME revival, contributing to the economy.

Alex Matovu
Signum Advocates (Uganda)

“Emerging commercial law trends impact startups. Privacy, cybersecurity, cryptocurrency, and more shape the startup landscape. Adapting laws fosters innovation, predictability, and risk mitigation for startup success.

Vatsal M. Parikh
Financial Conduct Authority, (UK)

Embrace the startup landscape and navigate commercial laws for compliance and success. Understand business registration, licensing, and investment regulations to unlock opportunities in a supportive ecosystem.

Simon Peter Lukwiya Nyero
Legal Manager
Finance Trust Bank (Uganda)

Stay ahead of the curve by understanding emerging trends in commercial laws for startups. Embrace evolving technologies, global business networks, and legal regulations to navigate risks and drive sustainable growth.

Prof Robinah Nanyunja
President and Chair
Pilot International (Uganda)

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