योग और बौद्ध धर्म

अवधेश झा योग और बौद्ध धर्म दोनों में ही इस बात पर बल दिया है कि मानसिक प्रशिक्षण के लिए शारीरिक एवं स्वास्थ्य संबंधी अवस्थाओं का अनुकूल होना आवश्यक है।योग के अष्टांग योग की भांति, बौद्ध साधना में भी निर्वाण के लिए अष्टांग मार्ग का वर्णन है, जिसमें यम और नियम का भी समावेश है।विपश्यना: […]

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Glorious Ram Mandir that is soul close to the heart of Hindus: Abdhesh Jha

By Tanya Chandra Delhi: Yoga & Spirituality: Ayodhya- Lord Ram’s birth place is one of the most glorious places in the country even in the World. The decision of supreme court has favoured ram mandir after a long and arduous legal struggle of the Hindus, over 134 years. But now the pious stones have already […]

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Anulom vilom pranayama by Abdhesh Jha

Yoga & Spirituality: Sit at padmasana, siddhasana, sawastikasana or sukhasana at your convenience.In the anulom vilom pranayama we breathe through the right nostril and exhale through the left nostril. Similarly, if you inhale from the left nostril then exhale through the left nostril. Anulom vilom pranayama is also known as “Pulse purifier pranayama”. It’s regular […]

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Markatasana (spinal twist yoga) part-1 by Abdhesh Jha

Yoga & Spirituality: Benefits of performing Markatasana :-Doing this increases flexibility of the spinal cord and it is also a good exercise for ribs and lungs.It is most beneficial in constipation and stomach related problems. Constipation and gas are cured by doing this asana regularly.Markatasana increases self-knowledge and increases creativity as well as concentration. Note: […]

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