Practice of Hindu Dharma in the Modern World By Swami Jyotirmayananda

Yoga & Spirituality

Hinduism or Hindu Dharma is supremely flexible and adaptable; it
permits changes according to the changing conditions, and at the same
time its eternal values remain unchanged, unmarred by the passage of
time. This is the unique feature of Hindu Dharma. The teachings of
Hindu Dharma are universal; they hold the secrets of resolving the
problems of humanity, and of promoting peace and harmony in the
The modern world is characterized by amazing advancements
made by humanity in the realm of science. The moon, once beyond
human reach, has now been trodden by human feet. The very barriers
presented by time and space are now being surmounted. And yet, in
spite of such achievements, there is increasing fear, insecurity and stress.
The very same resources that have been discovered by science may be
directed towards the destruction of human race by employing
devastating bombs and interballistic missiles.
It is regrettable that an average human being is unable to cope with
his problems in daily life. Man, although able to uncover hidden secrets
in the smallest units of matter, has very little insight into the workings of
his own mind and into the great potentialities that lie hidden within. In
spite of all the teachings given in the schools, colleges and universities
of today, a person is unable to handle stress; he is unable to control
hatred, anger, greed, passion, pride and numerous mental agitations.
In the light of all these, Hindu Dharma has a great role to play in
the world of today. Every Hindu family has a special responsibility.


following points will give you an outline of things helpful for a Hindu
family, and for the world of today.
Be Proud of Being a Hindu
Many Hindu families are not aware of the majesty and glory of
Hindu Culture. They do not know the vast treasure of wisdom that lies in
the scriptures. The teachings of the Gita, the Upanishads, the Ramayana,
the Mahabharata, the Dhammapada, the teachings of Jain Arhats, and
Guru Granth Sahib of the Sikhs–all these are treasures of values beyond
human imagination. By being a Hindu you have inherited this treasure
from the glorious Sages and Saints. Even in modern times, Mahatma
Gandhi by pursuing the philosophical insight presented in the Gita and
other Hindu scriptures startled the world by demonstrating the power of
truth, non-violence and purity through his very life.
Your responsibility towards your children
Every Hindu should see that his children–the youth of today who
will be the men and women of tomorrow should turn to the scriptures for
receiving guidance. It is the responsibility of a Hindu to give religious
education to his children–to introduce to them the Gita, the Ramayana,
the Upanishads, and other scriptures, and help them to be Hindus in the
true sense. In turn, they will help others–irrespective of religion, caste
and creed–to become better human beings.
Gain an insight into the mystical meaning behind the scriptural
stories. When you explain to your children the higher meaning contained
in the stories, they will be drawn to the scriptures. But if you are unable
to satisfy their reason, they will turn away from the scriptures
considering them to be mere myths or fairy tales.

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