आर्युयोग: कोविड प्रबंधन के लिए योग की शिक्षा जन-जन तक पहुंचाने की योजना है

जितेन्द्र कुमार सिन्हा पटना (मुंबई), 17 अगस्त 2021 :: कोविड 19 महामारी ने एक अभूतपूर्व सार्वजनिक स्वास्थ्य आपातकाल को जन्म देते हुए एक वैश्विक स्वास्थ्य संकट पैदा कर दिया है। दुनियाभर में रोजाना मरने वालों और संक्रमित होने वालों की संख्या में इजाफा होता रहा है। कई सामाजिक और आर्थिक कारकों के कारण संभावित विनाशकारी […]

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स्वामी ज्योतिर्मयानंद सरस्वती का जन्मोत्सव सारण स्थित उनके जन्म स्थान पर मनाया गया

शांभवी पोद्दार सारण, दिनांक 3 फरवरी, 2021को स्वामी ज्योतिर्मयानंद सरस्वती का जन्मोत्सव उनके जन्म स्थान पर स्थित स्वामी ज्योतिर्मयानंद आश्रम में मनाया गया। वैश्विक महामारी कोरोना के चलते लोगों की उपस्थिति सीमित रखा गया था।कार्यक्रम का शुभारंभ वेद मंत्र तथा विश्व कल्याण के लिए प्रार्थना से हुई तदोपरांत पूजा, अर्चना, भजन विधि विधान से आश्रम […]

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Glorious Ram Mandir that is soul close to the heart of Hindus: Abdhesh Jha

By Tanya Chandra Delhi: Yoga & Spirituality: Ayodhya- Lord Ram’s birth place is one of the most glorious places in the country even in the World. The decision of supreme court has favoured ram mandir after a long and arduous legal struggle of the Hindus, over 134 years. But now the pious stones have already […]

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Anulom vilom pranayama by Abdhesh Jha

Yoga & Spirituality: Sit at padmasana, siddhasana, sawastikasana or sukhasana at your convenience.In the anulom vilom pranayama we breathe through the right nostril and exhale through the left nostril. Similarly, if you inhale from the left nostril then exhale through the left nostril. Anulom vilom pranayama is also known as “Pulse purifier pranayama”. It’s regular […]

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Markatasana (spinal twist yoga) part-1 by Abdhesh Jha

Yoga & Spirituality: Benefits of performing Markatasana :-Doing this increases flexibility of the spinal cord and it is also a good exercise for ribs and lungs.It is most beneficial in constipation and stomach related problems. Constipation and gas are cured by doing this asana regularly.Markatasana increases self-knowledge and increases creativity as well as concentration. Note: […]

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Lord Shiva is honoured for both his rage and gentle form by Abdhesh Jha

Yoga & Spirituality: Lord Shiva is honoured for both his rage and gentle form. Shiva is considered different from other gods. Shiva is responsible for both origin and destruction of the universe, He is considered as the god of destruction in the trinity. Shiva is the source of eternal and creation process and this period […]

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In every Dwapar Yuga, Lord Vishnu descended in the form of Vyas to present the divisions of Vedas

Patna: The famous festival of guru purnima is Celebrated as commemorates the birthday of Maharshi Ved Vyasa. Guru Purnima is also known as Vyasa Purnima marks the birthday of Maharshi Ved Vyasa. Guru Purnima is one of four most auspicious nights in the year — Maha Shivaratri, Guru Purnima, Janmashtami, and Diwali – to repeat […]

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Practice of Hindu Dharma in the Modern World By Swami Jyotirmayananda

Hinduism or Hindu Dharma is supremely flexible and adaptable; it permits changes according to the changing conditions, and at the same time its eternal values remain unchanged, unmarred by the passage of time. This is the unique feature of Hindu Dharma. The teachings of Hindu Dharma are universal; they hold the secrets of resolving the […]

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