In every Dwapar Yuga, Lord Vishnu descended in the form of Vyas to present the divisions of Vedas

Yoga & Spirituality

Patna: The famous festival of guru purnima is Celebrated as commemorates the birthday of Maharshi Ved Vyasa. Guru Purnima is also known as Vyasa Purnima marks the birthday of Maharshi Ved Vyasa. Guru Purnima is one of four most auspicious nights in the year — Maha Shivaratri, Guru Purnima, Janmashtami, and Diwali – to repeat a conscious mantra.

In every Dwapar Yuga, Lord Vishnu descended in the form of Vyas to present the divisions of Vedas. Bramha himself was complied in Dwapar, Prajapati in second, Shukracharya in third and Brihaspati was complied in the fourth. Likewise, there were twenty-eight Vedvyas including the Sun, Death, Fire, Krishna Dwapayan and Ashwathama. This way, the vedas were divided twenty-eight times. Vedvyas himself created eighteen purans. Vedvyas was also well known as Vyas Muni, and therefore known as ‘Parashar’.

Vyavsaya vishnu rupay Vyas rupaay Vishnave.
Namo vai Bramha nidhaye Vasishthaye namo namha

Meaning – Vyas is the form of Vishnu and Vishnu is Vyas himself. I bow before the descendant of such learned accountant. ( Vashistha’s son was Shakti, Shakti’s son Parashar and Parashar’s son Parashar(vyas))

Tribhirvarsheh sadot thyahyi krishna dwaipayno munih.
Mahabharat makhayanan kritvadi mudatmum.
Adi parva (56/52)

When he realised the loss of dharma happening; he divided the vedas and is henceforth known as Vedvyas. After he divided the Vedas, he made his students Sumantu, Jaimini, Pail, Vaishampayan and his son Shukdev study the Vedas and also preached about the sayings in Mahabharat.

Vyas is termed as the best Poet after Valmiki in Sanskrit literature. His works are famous under the name ‘Arsh Kavya’. Vyas’s objective to write Mahabharat was not to describe the war, instead he wanted to portray the futility of this materialist life. He clearly says that no matter how much a person understands the limbs of Vedas or Upnishads or discipline of Hinduism, he will never be discreet enough, because Mahabharat together is Arthshastra (economics), Dharmashastra (theology) and kaamshastra (physical desires).

The day of full moon(purnima) of Asadh Maas(end of June- beginning of july) is called Guru Purnima. It is a culture of worshipping gurus on this day. Guru Purnima generally comes at the beginning of Rainy season. From this day until four months, the family saints settle at one particular place and exhibit knowledge. These four months are the best from the perspective of weather; neither too hot, nor too cold and therefore suitable for studying. As the monsoon provides calmness and might to deliver crops to the land which has been scalding from the heat of sun, likewise under the influence of a guru(spiritual teacher) the seeker gets the vigour to perceive and practise knowledge, peace, devotion and yog stamina.

Written by
Abdhesh Jha
& English translation by
Riya Prakash.

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