The entire nation is truly grateful to service personnel: Prem Kumar


Patna, March 22, 2020: The success of the Janata curfew held today on the call of the Prime Minister was unprecedented. From 5 o’clock in the evening, the sky kept reverberating with the noise of thali, clap and bells, which included general and special.
On this occasion, Agriculture Minister Dr. Prem Kumar also attended this honor program with his family at his residence. Congratulating the people of Bihar for the success of the Janata curfew and this honor of the service personnel, he said, “The kind of solidarity that the people of Bihar have shown in this event is unprecedented. People remained closed in their minds and at 5 o’clock in the evening themselves, they were paying respects to the workers serving their services amidst the clap of tali, thali and bell ringing corona.
Facing the threat of their lives, these service workers engaged in the fight against this virus, not only the people of Bihar as well as the entire country are truly grateful to these service workers. At my residence, I also bowed with my family members and bowed to these warriors.

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