Chess is all about strategy , it’s like a game of life where you have to think about your moves ,ahead of your game in your mind : Ankit

Features and interveiws Offbeat Sports

By Kumari Swati

Real people real conversations , In this series ,Amidst this lockdown we bring you an excerpt of interview that we had with, a mechanical engineering final year student , from SLIET ,”Ankit” , a sports enthusiast , who shared his views regarding sports and some interesting information on indoor games and his lockdown exprience.

  1. How you are taking this lockdown?
    Initially when the lockdown happened , honestly speaking , it pinched me a bit , I thought it would be better if nothing like this happened and I get to be in my college , playing my sports , but afterwards , I started accepting it and it was kind of easy for me.
  2. what is your take on sports in amidst this lockdown?
    People cannot go for outdoor sports but if they want they can play table tennis at home , if they have table and a net in their house , they can make a tennis courtroom in their house and can play tennis . It would give good outdoor feel as well as they can play with their family. Ipl matches have been postponed , Being a Dhoni fan , I was waiting for this year’s Ipl , but I hope the IPL will be resumed after everything settles down .
    3.which are your favourite sports ?
    I like table tennis , I am quite fascinated by badminton , as In my college when I saw my fellow mates playing well , I was keen to master myself in this sports.
    4 . What is your view on online games and which games do you play more often?
    Online games are good for entertainment. But many people are so much engrossed playing it , that they often forget what is happening around in their surrounding like I have seen guys playing PUBG. In my case I play online games just for pure entertainment . My favourite online games are clash of clan, clash Royal and 8 ball pool.
  1. Which indoor games would you like to prefer that one can play at home ?
    I would like to recommend chess , it’s a great indoor game . If one does not have a chess board , they can apt for online chess , which is much better than playing other online games. One can play chess at’ chess. Com’ which is good site to play chess. Chess is all about strategy , it’s like a game of life where you have to think about your moves ,ahead of your game in your mind , and if opponent does something different , one should have a presence of mind to come up with something new .Its a kind of mental exercise for me. Apart from that one can also solve puzzles , it’s good for brain.
  2. As a sportsperson what things have you learnt from sports?
    I think everyone should atleast play one sports , and during this lockdown one can start with any one sport which they like. Sports has been a kind of self discovery for me. When I went to college to pursue my Engineering , a different arena was opened for me , I experimented with different sports ,seeing my peers playing brilliantly made me to work on my skills and it has made me more disciplined , focussed ,competitive and physically fit.
  3. How you are utilizing this time of lockdown?
    Initially I watched different movies , after that I took a break and started doing online classes for my IES (Indian Engineering services ) , which is my ultimate aim. Online classes are being beneficial for me .This time is very important for the candidates who are preparing for competitive exams same with my case. thing that you wished should not happend amidst this lockdown?
    Every year there is a sports match between different colleges , ITUSA ,(Inter Technology university sports Association) which was going to be held in our college in April , we all players were excited and was training ourselves from months before the match, it was a new zeal of energy , because this time we were going to play on our home ground, there would be crowd benefit and winning for your own college is another feeling. I wished that this lockdown should happen after match ,but in March lockdown was there.
    9 what you think people have learnt from this lockdown and what you personally have learnt from this pandemic.?
    Nature has its own way of telling the tricks to the mankind and we all are witnessing it. There will be a balance , nature is healing itself. Personally I have learnt one thing which I found that its a basic thing that everybody has to follow irrespective their is covid to make us realize that , which is maintaining personal hygeine.
    10 . Have you went outside during this pandemic ? What has been your experience seeing the condition outside.
    My experience has been bad. I went outside for buying some stuff for my home , when I went to the market I was shocked , forget about mask they were not even following social distancing . I was like “Are these people aware regarding the precautions or they are happy being careless” these things made me a bit anxious.

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