I have a mantra that I live by which is , whatever happened , let go of that , and move forward : Stuti Bhatnagar. No

Features and interveiws Offbeat

By Kumari Swati

Amidst this lockdown , we all are getting to lead our lives by accepting a new normal , and thus in someway we are starting fresh . In our series Real people real conversations , Today we bring an excerpt of an interview of a 11 year old girl ” stuti Bhatnagar”  , who studies in class sixth of St.Joseph convent , Bhopal. A very bright  ,confident , young mind tell us  her perspective on this lockdown and gave  interesting insight on how we can deal with this new normal.

1. How you are taking this lockdown?
I am missing my school.. I have a mantra that I live by which is , whatever happened , let go of that , and move forward  this way it’s very easy for me , so I am taking this lockdown in a  positive stride and  keep myself  busy doing my online classes.
2. Do you enjoy doing online classes ?
Not really , it becomes boring and monotonous at times . I love the way we are taught in school  it’s interactive and and more fun to study in that atmosphere. I am waiting this lockdown to end so that I can go back to my school again .
3.How you keep yourself busy apart from doing studies?
I do walking. I love drawing .I sleep , whenever I get time during day so that I give my body a proper rest during this lockdown. I practice some shots of badminton that I was taught by my teacher prior lockdown , so I am playing badminton much better than before.
4. Do you miss your school friends?
I do miss  them a lot . But I catch up with them on video calls ,on phone and chats.
5.what kind of drawing you love to do ?
I love to draw all sorts of drawing but my favourite is drawing with oil pastel colours.

6.what else you want to do and learn in this lockdown?
My online classes keep me busy often, but I love to write stories , so I am going to write stories. I also want to learn cooking in this lockdown.

  1. what is your advice to the children like you who are getting anxious and stressed during this lockdown?
    I would like to tell them to be positive and keep themselves busy, be hopeful and happy. Try to indulge yourselves in different kinds of activities . This way one can keep their mind busy and the day will feel like normal days only.
  2. Are you ready for the new normal after this lockdown ends?
    Yes , I am totally ready for the new normal. Even I went outside once , wearing mask ,and I always carry a hand sanitizer with me. When my school opens I will take every precaution , and will follow the social distancing rules and will adjust myself to the new normal.

2 thoughts on “I have a mantra that I live by which is , whatever happened , let go of that , and move forward : Stuti Bhatnagar. No

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