Intellectuals & Journalists stay connected with the campaign “Let’s Inspire Bihar”: IPS Vikas Vaibhav


  • Rahul Kr Singh

Patna: 28 April 2022 :: Although the thinking of Journalists is free and pure, but when it comes to nation building, their pen becomes hard. The truth that comes out of the pen starts stinging in the mind of so many. Journalism has played an important role in the formation of society from the beginning. India’s first newspaper was established in the year 1780. That newspaper had done the work of showing a mirror to the British Empire at that time. He made the government realize the power of the press. It is being talked about ‘Bengal Gazette’ which has got the status of the first newspaper to be published from India. The Bengal Gazette was started by James Augustus Hickey. Raja Ram Mohan Roy has the image of a social reformer in history. At that time the Indian society was indulging in superstitions and evils, on which Raja Ram Mohan Roy attacked deeply through his newspapers and created awareness among the public. He edited and published newspapers like Brahmamanical Magazine (English), Samvadkaumudi (Bangla) and Miratul- ul- Akhbar (Persian). He brought out the weekly newspaper ‘Bangdoot’ along with Dwarkanath Tagore and Prasanna Kumar Tagore. Bangdoot was a unique newspaper, in which Bengali, Hindi and Persian languages ​​were used simultaneously. While writing this in front of all of you, I feel very happy that today such patriots, social reformer Journalist friends should be associated with the Let’s Inspire Bihar campaign. They are emphasizing IPS Vikas Vaibhav’s honesty, integrity and hard work by standing together on one platform. To such truly patriotic journalists, I am sincerely thanking. The campaign has been strengthened by the joining of all these great personalities.The people of Bihar have become so aware that as soon as I put any message related to Let’s Inspire Bihar campaign in the group, I get their reactions immediately. My humble request to the soldiers of the pen is to keep forwarding your valuable suggestion and inspiring message to the public to honor the parcham of Bihar on the world stage. Now the time has come. One word of your writing will reach the ears of thousands. People are beginning to realize that thousands of such intellectuals and journalists are not associated with the Let’s Inspire Bihar campaign. Certainly a hope has arisen in the eyes of the people about Bihar. The torch of hope has reached the hands of thousands under the leadership of IPS Vikas Vaibhav. Everyone has the feeling that this body is mortal. That is why God has chosen him for the change of Bihar. The five bodies of the soul have been described in the Vedas – Matter, Prana, Mind, Vigyan and Ananda. This five body or kosha has different names in different texts, which is called Veda Brahma, that God can be realized only by the soul, which is situated in the blissful body.I believe that there is no religion greater than a life dedicated to the nation. Let us dedicate every moment of life for Bihar. Be a symbol of being a true Bihari by making your valuable contribution in the field of education, equity and entrepreneurship with the great mantra Jai Hind, Jai Bihar.

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