SK Associates & Group organized an International Conference on Ecopreneurship: Emerging Trends in Sustainable Entrepreneurship; see the experts opinion


Hyderabad :: 24 November 2022 :: SK Associates & Group had organized an International Conference on, “Ecopreneurship: Emerging Trends in Sustainable Entrepreneurship” from November 15-17. The Conference was hosted online & streamed LIVE on their YouTube channel from 7- 8:30 PM IST on all 3 days. The Top 16 eminent and noteworthy Ecopreneurs from multiple eco-friendly startups with sustainable development goals across the globe were invited to speak at the event.

SK A & G is an ISO certified management consulting firm registered under MSMED Act 2006 with the Government of India. We are a strong team of 6,000+ Professionals from various backgrounds such as Chartered Accountants, Company Secretaries, Advocates, Professors, Mediators, Arbitrators, Formal Bureaucrats & Judges & Entrepreneurs turned Consultants. We aim to strengthen the global economic growth by providing pro- bono consulting services to budding student entrepreneurs and help them build their startups across various industries. All the Guest Speakers were awarded with a Certificate of Honour and the Attendees were given Participation Certificates.

The Synopsis of the speeches given by the Guests is stated as follows:

“An Entrepreneur thinks in an innovative manner for sustainable development goals which can be commercialised at a later stage. Eco-friendly products and services are preferred by youths nowadays over non-biodegradeable ones for sustainable development of the globe. I would like to thank the CEO and Team for inviting me to Conference 1.5.”

Ajit Kumar Pillai
Founder & CEO
Eco Saathi

“Startups must also focus on providing opportunities to youths, refugees and immigrants including other backward classes alongwith a focus on eco-friendly goals. Serving people is the ultimate goal for any organisation in terms of human resources or consumers. I would like to thank the CEO and Team for inviting me to Conference 1.5.”

Mugisha Pacifique
Co-Founder & Director
Muafrica Repurpose

“The biofuels and fossil fuels industry have a lot of scope for budding Ecopreneurs since the upcoming generations shall prefer using sustainable fuels. From reducing pollution to creating a new energy source that’s sustainable and suited for holistic development, this industry offers a lot of opportunities for eco-friendly startup ideas. I would like to thank the CEO and Team for inviting me to Conference 1.5.”

Shrey Saxena
Executive Director
Growdiesel Ventures

“Startups must focus on long-term eco- friendly strategies to inspire their consumers, team members, employees and related stakeholders. Sustainability is a much emphasized and feasible area for global development and should be prefered even if it comes a bit costly. I would like to thank the CEO and Team for inviting me to Conference 1.5.”

Justin Wong
Founder & CSO
Ecoquote (Malaysia)

“Sustainability is a major concern all over the globe for long-term business goals and objectives. Gen Z considers the sustainability and social impact aspects of corporates as a discriminating point where sustainable growth could leave a remarkable effect. I would like to thank the CEO and Team for inviting me to Conference 1.5.”

Dr Silvia Pettinicchio
Apulia Architecture & Design (Italy)

“Startups must focus on long-term sustainable goals for community development and humanitarian reasons. Eco-friendly goals and objectives and what promote sustainable development at a global scale. I would like to thank the CEO and Team for inviting me to Conference 1.5.”

Mukesh K Gupta
Founder & Director
Association of Sustainable Human Initiatives (ASHI)

“From eco-friendly startups to crytocurrency, multiple areas of potential growth and development are opening up for Entrepreneurs and Innovators. The focus of Gen Z is on community impact as well as profits generation, paving the way for a beautiful future. I would like to thank the CEO and Team for inviting me to Conference 1.5.”

Daniel Topp
Co-Founder & COO

“Making the decision to change from a 9-5 corporate role to a 24/7 entrepreneurial role is a tough thing to do. But once you’ve done that, there’s no turning back from a successful and risky future for Entrepreneurs. I would like to thank the CEO and Team for inviting me to Conference 1.5.”

Namrata Agarwal
Vishisht Lifestyle

“Technical developments have made it easier for startup Founders to begin businesses from incorporation to product launch processes. Eco-friendly strategies help to develop and implement sustainable business models which work for creating a change in the community alongwith an equal focus on profits generation. I would like to thank the CEO and Team for inviting me to Conference 1.5.”

Darshan C
Jagruth Tech Pvt Ltd

“In African countries, the focus has recently changed from a profit-oriented perspective to a community welfare and impact assessment based perspective. This paradigm shift of corporates to creating a change shall lead the way for a sustainable and holistic future in the upcoming years. I would like to thank the CEO and Team for inviting me to Conference 1.5.”

Adelaide Muthangi
Venture Sourcing Analyst
Founders Factory (Africa)

“Making an impact and working for long-term sustainable goals is an emerging trend in Entrepreneurship. Ecopreneurs do work for the society inspiring hundreds to pursue eco-friendly ambitions and consider making a small change daily.”

Vaibhav Jaiswal
Prakriti International Pvt Ltd

“Working for a social change that can impact improving environmental conditions is the prime focus of Ecopreneurs. Mother Earth must be protected at all costs and at all levels via sustainable initiatives. I would like to thank the CEO and Team for inviting me to Conference 1.5.”

Shantanu Patil
Meloop Foundation

“Many sustainable development trends have been being followed in India from olden times which could benefit everyone a lot when introduced at a global scale. From exchanging clothes with siblings to repairing dailywear garments via a Tailor, these trends do save a lot of money and efforts including reduction of wastes. I would like to thank the CEO and Team for inviting me to Conference 1.5.”

Nikhil Asopa

“Students are in the age where they have a lot of time and energy to pursue their dreams. Thus, an emphasized focus on entrepreneurship development and startup growth amongst students could be one of the greatest achievements of the century leading to a change from an employment based to an independent perspective. I would like to thank the CEO and Team for inviting me to Conference 1.5.”

Dr Bhakti Devi
Ecopreneur Network

“Being a public services official and a firefighter, my experience leads me to believe that climate change is an emerging area which needs emphasis at a corporate level. We are facing multiple threats such as global warming, random seasonal changes, increasing radiation and temperature levels which would impact us hugely in future. Scientific developments and innovations in this field can encourage multiple students to take initiatives at an individual level. I would like to thank the CEO and Team for inviting me to Conference 1.5.”

Keshav Bhootda
Founder & Director
Climeto Inc

“From disaster management to providing food and beaverages in worst impacted areas, these are some places that Ecopreneurs could work upon. The worst cases in the world are the best places to start a change from! I would like to thank the CEO and Team for inviting me to Conference 1.5.”

Sonja Debus
Impact Berry (Germany)

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