Civil Defence reaches new heights in Bihar under the leadership of DGP Arvind Pandey


By Kumari Swati

Patna :Civil defence is a department that comes under Disaster Management .The Civil Defence policy of the Government of India, till the declaration of Emergency in 1962, remained confined to making States and UTs conscious of the need for civil protection measures and asking them to keep ready civil protection plans for major cities and towns under the Emergency Relief Organisation [ERO] scheme. However, following the Chinese aggression in 1962 and the Indo Pak conflict of 1965, the policy and scope of Civil Defence underwent considerable rethinking, which culminated in the enactment of the Civil Defence (CD) Act 1968. After this the organisation has functioned under the parameters delineated in the Act.

Importance of Civil Defence

While global geo-political factors have reduced chances of traditional wars, new challenges have emerged for the community in the shape of natural calamities or human-induced disasters, resulting in one scale destruction of property, loss of human life and destabilization of normal life in society. Since the community is invariably the first responder to any disaster situation, adequate awareness and preparedness of the community to respond to any such situation can be crucial in mitigating damage and suffering. Civil Defence, being a community based voluntary organisation, can in addition to rescue, relief and rehabilitation, play a stellar role in the field of public awareness as well as community capacity building to face any disaster.

Work of civil Defence in Bihar.

Civil Defence was inactive initially in Bihar .During 2016 Floods , the civil Defence became active and contributed greatly . After that it was inactive but now, under the leadership of DGP Arvind Pandey ,the civil defence have worked commendable during lockdown . The volunteers are working tirelessly under his guidance. Even Arvind Pandey himself is actively looking out the work of the team and also updating the people on social media as how they can protect themselves and their families by wearing mask and adopting social distancing.The construction of civil Defence Training centre at Bihita , Anandpur ,which was at halt for 7 years ,has been started again .
The volunteers , are doing their best to spread awareness in people regarding Corona. They have gone on different places, streets and telling people to abide the rules of the government.They have also distributed , food packets to the migrants who came to Patna. College of commerce and Millar school were the relief centres where these volunteers contributed selflessly.
The special shramik trains that were started to bring the migrant to the home state. ,the workers and volunteers of civil Defence Department helped the railway staffs to see whether social distancing rules are followed or not.  In katihar, the civil Defence volunteers are actively taking part helping out people in these tough times. The work done by these volunteers has been appreciated by kumhrar Vikas Manch and they were also rewarded for their sincere dedication and hardwork.
The people of this department not helping out people who are in problem during this pandemic times, but also creating a positive atmosphere and motivating people that how we can live with positive mindset, by being aware and making other people aware regarding this situation. And thus they are instilling a positive hope among people which is a great contribution in today’s times. This gives a perfect example as how different components of society can interact, help each other, coexist with hope, love  happiness and care and thus giving a holistic approach of Development in society during these tough times.

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