The rain drops! By Abdhesh Jha


I am Sitting near the window,
Feels the appeal mood of mansoon’s Shadow,

The frequent drops of rain, falling on surface of the earth
The tree enjoying with smile & Incects by birth,

Flowers stirring drum on other leaf,
Frog swim as they got swimming pool,
speak & Jump over the little-2 tools…

Air push- pooling my window door,
As rain dancing under the guidance of cloud’s core,

Some drops of rain,
shy, timid & bold,
Crossed to touch my hand,
Sometimes random & Frequently hold

As it shows the inner happiness,
I feels to reply same, intuitively the wholeness.

I am being asked to reply, each moment it occurs..
The innocency,holiness & infinite heart pleasure…

It shows the best,
When i wants to get rest…
At the same moment,
It perform like a respected guest…

(*Abdhesh Jha- Editor in Chief at Hind chakra)

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