Seminar on Physical, Mental health, Hygiene & welfare at Shikshayatan, Patna.


By Kumari Swati.

Patna, Health Care and Hygiene Awareness Camp, and Seminar cum Gift and Honor Program was held at Khilkhilhat Rainbow Foundation of India premises.
Smt. Yamini (dancer), the institution’s chief trustee among these girls of the Khilkilhat Ashram, and member Smt. Rajni Sharma completed the program by distributing food grains, sanitary pads etc.
Seminar of physical and mental health and Hygiene and welfare work were conducted today under the Rudra: The Redeemer on 4/12/2020 by the Sangeet Shikshayatan Sanstha of Patna. In the third order of this year’s plan, a welfare program was scheduled on the topic “Yoga and Nature Resources – The Best Way of Health and Care”. In which the Khilkhilhat, the Health Care and Hygiene Awareness Camp at Rainbow Foundation of India premises, and the Seminar cum Gift and Honor Program were completed.
Experts on Yoga, nature, spirituality and hygiene were also present. Those who kept their views in front of the girls of the ashram. First Shambhu Kumar Singh (Secretary cum Convener Prakriti Mitra, Patna. Promoter ‘CHUPPI TODO’ Movement) on women’s physical and mental health
Dr. Shambhu Kumar Singh gave information on the physical and mental health of the girls of the bloom, especially discussed the misconceptions related to menstruation. He said that women need to break the silence on these issues.
He said that there is a distinct difference in the health of women and men during menstruation but it is sad that a lot of misconceptions and mythical information is dominated by this. First of all, menstruation is not a problem, but nature’s best gift, which makes women the bearers of the universe. It should be understood not only by women but also by men.
Smt. Swetha Surbhi (RJ), and dancer Yamini told the routine with practical knowledge among the girls. Yamini taught to be in the correct seating structure.

Abdhesh Jha, Trustee cum International Yoga Coordinator & Spiritual Guide at Jyotirmaya Trust (Unit of Yoga Research Foundation Miami Florida USA)
Said, there is a deep connection between yoga and nature. We have originated from nature and yoga helps our mind and body establish unity by reconciling with nature. We are the special form of nature and will be absorbed in nature itself, so the place of nature is important in our life and it is our liveliness to be connected with it. Nature keeps our lives prosperous and healthy.

And finally, Yogacharya – Ritesh Mishra, who came from the first yoga university, Munger, praise shanti Mantra followed by Tadasana, Tiryak Tadasana, Katichkrasan, Surya Namaskar, Manduk Asana, Bhramari Pranayam, Kapalbhati Pranayam! Yogacharya Ritesh Mishra told that if we take only 10 to 20 minutes in our daily life, then do two cycles Surya Namaskar, 5 times Bhramari Pranayam, 5 times Anulom Bilom Pranayam 5 minutes Kapalbhati Pranayama, and 5 to 10 minutes meditation of our body. Balance will always be maintained!One special thing that he said is that do not imagine any kind of meditation, only after leaving your bed in the morning, again before going to bed, all the activities should be repeated monthly. There is an amazing increase in memory power of Kartas! Along with this, Ritesh Mishra also gave a mantra “Yoga containing – disease free”. (“योग युक्त- रोग मुक्त”)

Mr. Varun Singh (President, Art and Culture Cell, Bihar Pradesh) and Zia Hasan (Teaching Advisory Team) had a distinguished presence.
Shri Saket Priyadarshi (Khilkhilaht, Rainbow Foundation of India) and all the incoming experts, Smt. Rekha Sharma, President of Sangeetha Shikshayan Sansthan, presented a memento and expressed gratitude for full support to the Rudra: The Redeemer Programme.

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